Wednesday 18 May 2016

Quite a day

That was quite a day! Over 7 hours of flying, almost stuck in the mud, bitten by a tsetse fly...

The first flight of the day was out to Pagil for Christian Mission for Development with a load of 17 School in a Box kits plus some tarpaulins. While unloading the metal boxes (40kg each!) from the back of the aeroplane I was bitten by a tsetse fly, which is rather uncomfortable. Unfortunately the one that bit me was not alone. I think I provided some amusement to the locals when I climbed into the cockpit to prepare for departure and sat for quite some time trying to swat as many of the tsetse flies as possible before starting up.

The ones that didn't get away
From Pagil I went to Gorwai to collect some more freight and then on to Jiech. In Jiech I collected one lady and eight children for the flight back to Juba. The airstrip in Jiech was quite wet, thanks to rain a couple of days ago, and I came very close to getting stuck in the mud while I was backtracking the runway before departure. Thankfully there was a small dry patch at the end of the runway which meant I could turn around without getting stuck and we continued back to Juba with a rather muddy plane.

My second rotation was to Tonj for Don Bosco and I carried 5 passengers and 450kg of freight, mostly food. Although the weather was building up by the afternoon, I was able to divert around the thunderstorms and the flight was pleasantly uneventful.