Monday 30 November 2015

When last did you take your ostrich for a walk?

I flew the shuttle to Loki today, stopping in Kapoeta, Torit and Kuron on the way out. It was a good day's flying and it was nice to bring our Programme Manager and his family back to Juba after their break in Kenya. Organizations included ZOA South Sudan, Holy Trinity Peace Village Kuron, MSF Holland and the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.

Just before departing Torit this morning I saw one of the most unusual things I've seen in a long time. Have a close look at the picture below and you'll see that the guy in the middle of the picture is walking alongside an ostrich! The animal was walking with the man in the way you would expect to see a pet dog going for a walk and even appeared to pause when it's owner stopped to chat to someone!