Thursday 9 June 2016

4 in one

It's been quite a busy week so I have not managed to get around to blogging about my flights. Tonight I'll just write one blog to cover the four previous days:

On Monday I didn't actually fly the aeroplane, although I was on the shuttle as 'co-pilot' carrying out an annual proficiency check for one of our other pilots. We had stops in Kapoeta and Kimatong on the way out to Loki and Kapoeta and Torit on the way back home.

Tuesday was a busy Equatorial Shuttle with stops in Yei-Kajo-Juba-Maridi-Ibba-Mundri and home again. 23 pax in total from 10 different organisations.

Wednesday was a charter for Open Doors. The destination was Yida, with a stop for fuel in Rumbek. On the way out I carried freight only, mostly tarpaulins (!), and on the way back two passengers.

Today I flew up to Keew, Old Fangak and Jaibor for CMA (Christian Mission Aid). We had not flown for CMA for some time and it was good to meet some of the people I recognise from last year and to go back to some familiar old airstrips. It was not an easy day, with a delayed departure from Juba due to paperwork issues and a lot of weather to contend with in the vicinity of the airstrips.

It's been a tiring week and I must say I'm looking forward to a holiday :)  Tomorrow morning we'll be off for a two week break so I'll be back here at the end of the month...