Yesterday I flew a ton of solar powered 'fixed tuned' radios up to South Sudan. The flight was for Every Village (, and the radios are pre-tuned to the frequency of the Every Village Christian radio stations in Mvolo, Tonj and Malualkon.
My load was made up of 56 boxes, each containing 100 radios, so in total I had 5,600 radios to deliver. Dave, another MAF Uganda pilot, was in another aircraft with a further 64 boxes of radios, and we set off from Entebbe International Airport here in Kampala soon after sunrise (having left home at 5am to prepare the aircraft before first light!). After routing through Juba we delivered the radios to each of the 3 locations mentioned and then made our way back down to Kampala, arriving late in the afternoon. It was a long day, but very rewarding to be playing a small part in the work which those radios will enable.
Each of these solar powered radios will be given to a family (averaging 7-8 people) and will mean that the whole family, whether literate or not, will be able to receive the message of the Gospel in their own language. Now that's something worth getting up early for :)