Tuesday, 11 September 2012

"...open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God..." Acts 26:18

Elisha told me Abraham's story as we sat and ate our lunch in Malambo before the afternoon's flying got under way.
Abraham (centre) at Arash, near Malambo
Abraham had walked many hours (18 hours Elisha told me!) to be there so that he could join the flight to Arash and then, after returning to Malambo the following day, join the new intake of students starting a course in evangelism at the bible school.
Abraham, although quite young, used to be a witch doctor with many followers and was respected by many older witch doctors. He heard the Gospel through a group of students from the bible school in Malambo who were doing evangelism as a practical part of the course they were taking, and after discussions long into the night he had decided he wanted to give his life to Christ.
As a new Christian things have not been easy for Abraham, and part of the reason for his trip to Arash was to tell the people there that what he was doing before was wrong and that now he knows the one truly powerful God.
It is such a privilege for me to meet people like Abraham who have been transformed by God's love and have truly been turned from darkness to light. Please pray for Abraham and the other dozen or so students who are now nearly 2 weeks into their 3 month course at the bible school.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Bringing supplies to Haydom Hospital

This is Jean, one of our regular passengers arriving at Haydom Lutheran Hospital with an aeroplane load of supplies for a research project.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

What a difference the rain makes!

It is incredible to see the change in the landscape that is brought about by the rains. I was struck by the contrast in these 2 pictures, both taken from the airstrip in Malambo, northern Tanzania. I took the first picture 6 months ago near the end of the dry season and the second just a couple of weeks ago while waiting for the weather to clear after a night of heavy rain.
Malambo in October 2011- the mountains obscured by dust.
Malambo in April 2012- the mountains obscured by low clouds.